Showing posts with label payment systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label payment systems. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard: Like a Credit Card but... Prepaid

What is Payoneer?

Payoneer is a global payment system similar to PayPal, Payza, Neteller and Moneybookers. It's a safe, secure, and affordable online payment solution for international freelancers and affiliate marketers who make their money online, or pay online services anywhere in the world.
The Payoneer prepaid MasterCard non credit is like any other re-loadable MasterCard prepaid debit or credit card that you can get at your local bank office.

What you get from Payoneer: 
  • A real plastic debit Mastercard non credit with a real number.
  • Access to the US Payment Service, which gives you a virtual checking account, with a real number, where you can receive direct bank transfers in the US.

Now let´s explain the process to get the Prepaid MasterCard.

First you must  register to Payoneer website Click Here
Choose your preferred language and click on the 'Sign Up' or 'Register' big green button.

In the following screen you find the process for applying to Payoneer to obtain the Prepaid debit (non credit) Mastercard. The Green buttons guide you through the process 'Start Here', 'Step II' and 'Step III'.

Click on 'Start Here' and enter your information accurately. Be precise with your real name and id.

Once you complete the application your card enters to an approval process that may last 10-15 days.
One approved your Payoneer Debit non credit Mastercard it will be sent to the address you put in the application form. That's why you must enter your data correctly specially your address and zip code.

When you receive your new prepaid Payoneer debit non credit Mastercard you must activate it in the Payoneer website.
Sign in to your Payoneer account and click on Activate Card. Follow onscreen instructions.
Now you can load your Debit non credit MasterCard with a Credit Card you have or send a Load Invitation to anyone in the world.

Now you can apply for the US payment service. And get an account number in the US.
Once you're approved you can receive direct bank transfers.

The Payoneer Debit non credit MasterCard works for:

  • Get credit or debit Card payment from anyone anywhere with MasterCard or Visa. A Small Processing fee will apply.
  • You can receive (ACH) Direct Deposit Payments from many sources such as: Amazon, Clickbank and PayPal Through payoneer US Payment Service. 1% service charge may Apply.
  • You can receive free payments from Payoneer Approved Partners (Elance, oDesk, MediaWhiz, Media Shakers, Conduit and many more….)
  • You can pay your Payments, bills or online purchases using Payoneer Prepaid non Credit MasterCard totally free.
  • You can withdraw your money in your local currency from any ATM Booth With the MasterCard Logo.
  • Verify Your PayPal account and any other service that need a valid credit card.
If you don’t already have a Payoneer non Credit prepaid MasterCard Visit Here and Create a free account for your Payoneer prepaid non credit MasterCard. You'll get $25 Free for signing up. Payoneer Prepaid non credit MasterCard has a little Yearly fee $29.95 dedicated from your Payoneer prepaid non credit MasterCard balance. No Monthly charges will apply.

The Payoneer international prepaid non credit MasterCard card at a glance:

  • Accepted in 210 countries, worldwide
  • No bank account required
  • Use it in stores, online, or at the ATM
  • Strict security rules and regulations imposed by Payoneer and MasterCard® mean money stays safe and secure
  • Account held in US Dollars
  • Payments can be delivered within 2 hours
  • Easy for cardholders to activate and manage via the online My Account page
  • Live chat, telephone and e-mail support offered free of charge in multiple languages


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